Image animations

📌    Simply copy the div contained within 'Image Size Uni' and paste it wherever you desire to utilize the image animation. Ensure to specify the height size for the parent div.

Scroll in animation

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation with background color

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation + parallax effect normal

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation + parallax effect medium

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation + parallax effect large

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation + parallax effect normal + 3D

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation + parallax effect medium + while scrolling effect

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Parallax effect medium + while scrolling effect (without scroll in animation)

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Scroll in animation + 3D

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

🔥 Scroll in animation + 3D + parallax effect medium + while scrolling effect

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Simple image - full size (not croped) image without animations

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template

Image Collage #1

Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template
Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template
Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template
Klaas - Dentist website Webflow template